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Check if you are registered to vote:

Check if you are currently on the electoral register in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown by clicking the following link (opens in new window):

Eligibility to vote:

The type of election you can vote in depends on your citizenship. The following people are eligible to vote:

  • Irish citizens can vote in every election and referendum 

  • British citizens may vote at Dáil, European and local elections 

  • Other EU citizens may vote at European and local elections* 

  • Non-EU citizens can vote at local elections only. 

*If you are an EU citizen, other than an Irish or British citizen, and you were not registered to vote in previous European elections in Ireland, you must also complete a declaration, Form EP1, to guard against double voting in the election. The local council will register you to vote in your local constituency and send the information in your declaration to your home EU member state. You can also get the form from your local authority.

Source: For more information please click here.

Not registered? Important forms:

To register to vote. Please click on the following link to download the relevant forms:

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 Cllr. Kate Feeney | 2019

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